What makes us age?

From the age of 30, we lose 3-8% of our muscle every decade; we lose even more of our strength. This impacts our quality of life and metabolic health. You can preserve and even replace lost muscle tissue to improve your health, energy and quality of life.


The type of muscle tissue you lose as you age is ‘fast twitch’ that can only be maintained through resistance training. While we advocate people remain active for your ‘slow twitch’, you’ll maintain this your whole life. You’ll notice that people even in their 80s can have great stamina, but not good strength and power. That’s why at Resistanz we focus on what will keep you strong and slow down sarcopenia (the loss of muscle)


Lowering a weight stimulates strength and growth at four times the rate as lifting a weight. This type of resistance training is vital as it’s the ‘brakes’ - helping you to prevent falls and maintaining your mobility as you age. At Resistanz, using the incredible technology of the Vitruvian machine, we can make eccentric exercise possible so you don’t even have to lift as much resistance as you lower.

Are you ready to look and feel rejuvenated? Join the Resistanz today and resist the signs of aging.